Selasa, 24 Februari 2015


This's the real story, comes from my partner over there, Salatiga, Jawa Tengah. She's beautiful police women. Maybe from her story we can learn something new for our life. And this's her story

Menjadi anggota Polri merupakan kebanggaan tersendiri bagi sebagian orang. Tak terkecuali seperti apa yang dialami oleh keluarga Sobirin, warga Jl Veteran RT 02/ RW 10 Mangunsari, Sidomukti Salatiga. Pria yang bekerja
sebagaiagai seorang penambal ban ini tak mengira, puteri sulungnya dinyatakan lolos sebagai anggota polwan pada 2014 lalu. Padahal Sobirin mengaku tak terbesit sedikitpun mimpi menjadikan anaknya sebagai seorang polwan lantaran mengaku tidak memiliki biaya.
Adalah Bripda Eka Yuli Andini, gadis 19 tahun yang merupakan puteri pertama pasangan Sobirin dan Darwanti ini mampu membuktikan bahwa anggapan masyarakat mengenai adanya biaya ratusan juta sebagai syarat menjadi anggota polisi tidaklah benar. Anggota Satuan Sabhara Polres Salatiga ini berasal dari keluarga yang kurang mampu, bahkan, hingga saat ini, Eka dan kedua orang tuanya masih menempati bengkel kontrakan berukuran empat kali enam meter sebagai tempat tinggal mereka.
Srikandi Polres Salatiga : Bripda Eka Yuli, Polwan Cantik Yang Tinggal di Bengkel Kontrakan
Lulusan SMK N 2 Salatiga ini juga tak canggung membantu kedua orang tuanya menyelesaikan pekerjaan di bengkel . Sesekali, saat pulang dari berdinas, Eka masih terlihat memilah-milah ban bekas dan berbagai onderdil kendaraan yang akan digunakan oleh ayahnya.
“Awalnya kami juga tidak terlalu berharap Eka mampu lolos tes polwan. Tapi ternyata, dengan keyakinannya, Eka mampu membuktikan bahwa dirinya berhasil lolos tes hingga dilantik tanpa mengeluarkan biaya sedikitpun. Kami hanya keluar uang untuk keperluan transport dan melengkapi berkas-berkas. Itupun saya ambil dari tabungan bayar kontrakan rumah saya dan pinjaman dari saudara,” terang Sobirin kepada, Jumat (20/2).
Seperti yang diungkapkan ayahnya, Eka mengaku tak memiliki persiapan khusus saat mendaftar tes polwan. Alumni SPN Banyu Biru ini mengatakan, dirinya hanya mempersiapkan fisik dengan berlatih lari di alun-alun Pancasila setiap sore menjelang pelaksanaan tes.
Srikandi Polres Salatiga : Bripda Eka Yuli, Polwan Cantik Yang Tinggal di Bengkel Kontrakan
“Tak ada persiapan khusus. Awalnya saya mencoba karena ada sosialisasi penerimaan polwan di sekolah. Atas ajakan beberapa teman, saya akhirnya mencoba dan ternyata lolos,” ungkapnya.
Hingga saat ini, Eka memilih berangkat dinas dengan berjalan kaki dan sesekali membonceng rekannya satu angkatan. Eka berharap, dengan tugasnya sebagai polwan, dirinya mampu membuat orang tuanya bangga dan bisa mengabdi kepada masyarakat, bangsa dan negara.

Senin, 21 April 2014

meeting 5

Description of narrative text
A narrative text is a text amuse, entertain and deal with actual or vicarious experience in different ways. Narrative deal with problematic events which lead to a crisis or turning point of some kind, which in turn finds a resolution.
The narrative text short story is telling of a story or an account of a sequence of events. One of the four traditional forms of composition (along with description, exposition, and persuasion). Narration differs from exposition, which can also relate a sequence of events, in that narration need not be factual and may be written from the perspective of a character in the text.
How to differ from other writing genre
A narrative text is text that tells a story, recounts events that have happened. Narrative texts help us to pass along to others events that need to be remembered.
Narrative text
Recount text

The Steps to Make Narrative Writing 
1.       Decide on a topic
Example : Message in My Trip
2.      Establish the setting

Setting is important in many ways.  Not only does it affect the action and events in the story, but it can also affect the way characters act.
Example : Last week I went to Gunung Sugih in central Lampung with my father to made affidavits police records. I went to there at 13.00 pm.

3.      Decide on the events of the story.

These events should be actions with strong, active verbs.  If there is no action, there is no story.
Example : I arrived there I have to waited to get the form, after that I was waiting in line to get finger print formula. When I was finished filling out the form and fingerprinting formula I am waiting to get the affidavits police records, and after waiting turn, Finaly I called to get the letter

4.      Details, Details

Details are the way to elaborate on the events that create the plot. 
Example : We waited until the rain was over. While we waited, I and my father talked about my future. My father said that I have to reach my dream. I have to study hard, do the best and pray to god. He said that everything that I will do is my choice, and the result of it is mine, and the parent just supports, facilitating, and praying for.

5.      Connect the events

Connectors are a good way to connect the events in the story. 
Example : last week

6.      Add “vivids”

“Vivids” are those words that add life to your writing.  They bring the reader to the scene of the story.  Vivid language lets the reader know what the writer sees, hears, feels, smells and tastes.
Example : We waited until the rain was over. While we waited, I and my father talked about my future, My father said that I have to reach my dream

7.      “Hook” your reader

Remember the purpose of the narrative is to entertain the reader.  It is important to attract the reader’s attention right from the start so they want to read the story. 
Example : I realized that my parent is very important for me, they always support what I do, they prayed to god for my happiness.

Message in My Trip

Last week I went to Gunung Sugih in central Lampung with my father to made affidavits police records. I went to there at 13.00 pm. (orientation)

When I arrived there I have to waited to get the form, after that I was waiting in line to get finger print formula. When I was finished filling out the form and fingerprinting formula I am waiting to get the affidavits police records, and after waiting turn.

Finaly I called to get the letter. After that me and my father back to home, but when we want to go back home, not far from there my motorcycle was off. Turns out after my father check, fuel is used up. So we have to push the motorcycle until 50 yards to got petrol. In the middle of a trip we got rainy, so we took shelter in a house.
We waited until the rain was over. While we waited, I and my father talked about my future. My father said that I have to reach my dream. I have to study hard, do the best and pray to god. He said that everything that I will do is my choice, and the result of it is mine, and the parent just supports, facilitating, and praying for. That was the message from my father to me. Because the rain was over, we continue to come home. In the middle of a trip I thought about the message from my father, from that I realized that my parent is very important for me, they always support what I do, they prayed to god for my happiness. (complication)

Finally we arrived in punggur, me and my father ate meatball before arrived at home. Although we got in our rainy Trek, but I can got some enlightenment, that my parent is the most important people in my life who always supporting everything that I do. (resolution)

1.        the topic sentences
Last week I went to Gunung Sugih in central Lampung with my father to made affidavits police records.
It is topic sentences because it intriduces the main idea of the paragraph.

2.       Controling idea

I went to Gunung Sugih in central Lampung with my father to made affidavits police records

3.      Supporting sentnc 1

When I arrived there I have to waited to get the form, after that I was waiting in line to get finger print formula. When I was finished filling out the form and fingerprinting formula I am waiting to get the affidavits police records, and after waiting turn.

4.      Supporting serntence 2

Finaly I called to get the letter. After that me and my father back to home, but when we want to go back home, not far from there my motorcycle was off. Turns out after my father check, fuel is used up. So we have to push the motorcycle until 50 yards to got petrol. In the middle of a trip we got rainy, so we took shelter in a house.

5.      Supporting sentence 3

We waited until the rain was over. While we waited, I and my father talked about my future. My father said that I have to reach my dream. I have to study hard, do the best and pray to god. He said that everything that I will do is my choice, and the result of it is mine, and the parent just supports, facilitating, and praying for. That was the message from my father to me. Because the rain was over, we continue to come home. In the middle of a trip I thought about the message from my father, from that I realized that my parent is very important for me, they always support what I do, they prayed to god for my happiness. (complication)

6.      Conclusion

Finally we arrived in punggur, me and my father ate meatball before arrived at home. Although we got in our rainy Trek, but I can got some enlightenment, that my parent is the most important people in my life who always supporting everything that I do. (resolution)

Selasa, 08 April 2014

identifying narrative paragraphwith and without topic sentence

Message in My Trip

Last week I went to Gunung Sugih in central Lampung with my father to made affidavits police records. I went to there at 13.00 pm. (orientation)
When I arrived there I have to waited to get the form, after that I was waiting in line to get finger print formula. When I was finished filling out the form and fingerprinting formula I am waiting to get the affidavits police records, and after waiting turn, Finaly I called to get the letter. After that me and my father back to home, but when we want to go back home, not far from there my motorcycle was off. Turns out after my father check, fuel is used up. So we have to push the motorcycle until 50 yards to got petrol. In the middle of a trip we got rainy, so we took shelter in a house. We waited until the rain was over. While we waited, I and my father talked about my future. My father said that I have to reach my dream. I have to study hard, do the best and pray to god. He said that everything that I will do is my choice, and the result of it is mine, and the parent just supports, facilitating, and praying for. That was the message from my father to me. Because the rain was over, we continue to come home. In the middle of a trip I thought about the message from my father, from that I realized that my parent is very important for me, they always support what I do, they prayed to god for my happiness. (complication) Finally we arrived in punggur, me and my father ate meatball before arrived at home. Although we got in our rainy Trek, but I can got some enlightenment, that my parent is the most important people in my life who always supporting everything that I do. (resolution)

Analyze the text

Theme                     :  message
Introducing             : Last week I went to Gunung Sugih in central Lampung with my father to made affidavits police records. I went to there at 13.00 pm.
Plot                         : continue
Characters               : I and my father
Setting                     : -place              : police station
                                   -time              : last week
                                   -situation       : serious
Climax                  : in my trip I get some message from my father for my future
Conclution             : we arrived in punggur, me and my father ate meatball before arrived at home. Although we got in our rainy Trek, but I can got some enlightenment, that my parent is the most important people in my life who always supporting everything that I do.

The purpose of this text : to entertain the readers about my story “message in my trip”
Supporting sentences :
- I went to Gunung Sugih in central Lampung with my father to made affidavits police records.
- I arrived there I have to waited to get the form
- I was waiting in line to get finger print formula.
- I was finished filling out the form and fingerprinting formula
- I called to get the letter.
- We took shelter in a house. We waited until the rain was over.
- We waited, I and my father talked about my future. My father said that I have to reach my dream. I have to study hard, do the best and pray to god. He said that everything that I will do is my choice, and the result of it is mine, and the parent just supports, facilitating, and praying for.
- I can got some enlightenment, that my parent is the most important people in my life who always supporting everything that I do.

Senin, 17 Maret 2014



Exposition text is text that present one side of phenomenon surrounding.  Its to persuade the reader by presenting one side of an argument.

1.      Thesis
Introducing the topic and indicating the writer’s position
2.      Arguments
Explaining the arguments to support the writer’s position
3.      Reiteration
Restating the writer’s position

  1. Using relational process
  2. Using internal conjunction
  3. Using causal conjunction
  4. Using Simple Present Tense

Way They Turn the Sea
As the job opportunity is increasing limited on the land , more and more young man are turning to the sea for a living. Some of them choose to work on a ship only after they have filed to get a job. However, many young man actually would rather work on the sea than n land. In my opinion, there are several reasons that account for increasing interest in persuing maritime profession.
Firstly, our ountry is mad up many lands. Weare surrounded by water. Its not suprising that many people have grown to love the sea. In order to be able to spend more time near the sea, they decide to work on it. Many of them spend their whole lives on the water.
Secondly, many school drpouts in the country as well as those young men who have just finished their education in school are looking for job, at the same time. Competition for jobs is terefore great. Many fail to get work in factories, so these people turn to the sea as a last resort.
Thirdly, some young men face problem at home. They want to get as far away from these problem as possible. The sea becomes a popular means of escape.
Finally, young people are naturally advantages. They love to explore new places. They enjoy the excitement that comes with this.
 By working on a ship, they are able to travelfar and wide. Besides, food and loging on board the ship are free. Thus, many young men are attracted to maritime profesion.
Red is thesis
Purple is arguments
Green is reiteration